How to Choose: Lavender Essential Oil



Which Lavender Essential oils to choose?
Be sure to choose the right lavender!

As we continue our exploration of Lavender essential oil (EO), it’s crucial to remember that the world of Lavender is diverse and nuanced.
Did you know that within the Lavandula varieties, there are different species of lavender? Lavandin, spike lavender, fine lavender, Spanish lavender are all different, and their effects may vary as well!
So make sure you know the Essential Oil you are choosing and what you are going to use it for!

For example,

  • Spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia), lacks the relaxing properties commonly associated with fine Lavender and possesses interesting -yet different- characteristics.
  • Lavandin (Lavandula abrialis), is a “natural hybrid” of fine Lavender and spike Lavender. While it shares many properties with fine Lavender, its aroma differs slightly. Another important point to consider is the presence of camphor which may limit its utilisation in children under 7 years of age.
  • Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas) on the other hand is not used very often because of its highly concentration in Ketones. It should be employed with extreme caution.

Not all Fine Lavender are equals…
The Quality of your EO is of utmost importance!

In order to benefit from the exceptional properties of fine Lavender EO, it is crucial to be using the best quality!
Even within the fine Lavender specie, quality can vary significantly: there is exceptional lavender, and then…there is mediocre lavender.
Quality can fluctuate based on the country of origin, the altitude, the cultivation and distillation methods. Remember that good quality lavender EO tend to be expensive. Be wary of fraudulent methods used, where synthetics and other substances or oils are added to many Lavender essential oils sold in the market, to increase the volume or the aroma of the essential oil.
For example it is not uncommon to see Lavandin (which is much cheaper) mixed with fine Lavender in order to obtain a higher price. Also, many unscrupulous producers resort to unlawful methods such as adding synthetic linalol or linalyl acetate to a mediocre quality of fine lavender EO.
Therefore, it’s essential to be well-informed about the fine lavender EO you choose for yourself and your loved ones!

A Word of Caution:
Lastly, be cautious when encountering products labeled as “lavender perfume” or “lavender fragrance”. Not all of them are natural; in fact, many are synthetic. This practice is known as “greenwashing,” where synthetic products are marketed as natural. Lavender, in its purest form, faces competition from these synthetic alternatives.
In a world saturated with lavender products, making wise choices is crucial for your health and well-being!

Seek Expert Guidance:
If you ever have doubts about selecting the right Lavender or its use, always seek the counsel of a certified aromatherapist: their expertise and knowledge will provide valuable insights into choosing the most suitable lavender for your specific needs.

Dr. Nicole Bou Khalil,
Nicole Boukhalil is a Doctor of Pharmacy specialised in medicinal plants, phytotherapy and medical aromatherapy. She is a certified clinical aromatherapist level 3, the highest level of certification in the United States. Dr. Boukhalil also holds a master’s degree in Public Health and is certified in natural dermo-cosmetology.
With over 10 years of experience to her credit in aromatherapy, she is a trainer, a teacher, a formulator and an international speaker.
Dr. Boukhalil is an IFPA Trustee board member, the NAHA international director to Lebanon and the Airmid Institute ambassador to Lebanon.