Experts Advice
Our Experts are happy to share with you the best advice following their experiences and knowledge.

There are plenty of general tips spread around the fitness Industry.
However, the best tip is that not all the tips work for everyone. Therefore, my advice for you is to consider only what is convenient and beneficial for you. If it is not the case then drop it, that tip is just not for you.
I always highly recommend to choose wisely your coach , it might be a life changing event.Therefore please don’t limit your coach assessment based on any social media accounts and movements only. The coach is a well educated trainer and his job is to provide all kind of support and tools for you to enjoy and adapt easily to your journey. Your mental and mindset improvements are really important to reach your goal.
Mario Kassab, Health and Wellness coach. Fitness Trainer, graduated from Inspire fitness Academy.

In french they have a saying similar to that and it says “tout passe par l’alimentation”.
Yet, why do we reduce everything to food? Well, one answer to that wellness is not 100% food for the stomach, there is also food for the mind, food for the soul and food for the spirit.
While food is important for physical health we overlook, most of the time, that we have 2 brains, the gut being the second one.
That said, the gut is well influenced by the gut’s microbium and the PH of our body which, on their turn, are directly influenced by what we eat.
A healthy gut promotes healthier thinking, more focus, stronger immunity which leads to a better life quality and longevity. Once we feel better within our skin we contribute positively to our happiness.
Now that we have established the relationship between the gut and the brain we have more clarity and understanding of “you are what you eat”.
Studies have shown that eating organic products, fasting and consuming minimal processed food ensures a healthier lifestyle by reducing inflammation in the body which is the root cause of all diseases, allergies and stress. A body with chronic inflammation finds it hard to cope through all the challenges to maintain homeostasis and hence decays faster.
I invite you to set a budget to healthy eating and get rid of the concept “pay less, eat more” for if you don’t make time for your health now, you’ll have to make time for disease later, and healthcare is costly. I invite you once again to think clearer because even though having a capitalistic approach to health, still, it doesn’t pay off in the long term.
Christophe Mouawad, Business & Financial Studies with Focus on Wealth Management. Certified Wellness Coach with a new comprehensive approach on Wellness. I have been interested in Wellness ever since I was a child and have dedicated most of my time to research and studies on how to optimize once Health & Wellness.

If you feel heavy energy at your home, look around your space and notice if there are any areas that are difficult to move through. If you have a hard time navigating through a particular area, the energy will as well. Remove or rearrange your things for an easier movement through the space.
Sarah Bsaibes. Sarah is here to make your living and working spaces a sanctuary as a Feng Shui expert. Sarah’s passion for nature and serenity has started at a very young age and it grew year after year. She nurtured her passion through learning Feng Shui after graduating from university as a psychologist. She worked hard to elevate her spirit, practicing Feng Shui professionally and dedicating herself to sow harmony in peoples’ lives.

We are the reflection of our nervous system, the nervous system dictates how we experience life and the world.
A fresh and rested nervous system will reflect in a healthy body and mind and the opposite reflects an ill body and dull mind.
As a result our thoughts and mental well-being will be reflected to the outside world and reflected on our physical body.
Yoga is the ultimate practice we can adapt that can give us result on mental, physical and physiological level.
Rabih El Medawar. Yoga Teacher.