The Positive Effects of Music

“Music has a direct effect on the nervous system as we have just mentioned and thus helps to reduce stress and pain. “

September 13, 2022

Just to say, a leitmotif that has not ceased to haunt me in recent years in my professional life, noticing the positive effects of music on people suffering from communication or even emotional and relational difficulties.
We have already had the experience of seeing our mood completely change when listening to certain music. A melody has the power to bring emotion to life events that is not negligible. It is enough to see the importance of music in films, they set the tone for the actions, they make it possible to multiply the emotions of the spectator during a sad scene, like making him energetic during an action scene. Music has immense power over human beings, a power that makes us stronger or more vulnerable depending on our state (study by the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital – the Neuro – of McGill University).

Research by Professor “R Zatore” has shown that music plays on brain plasticity. Indeed, the brain will secrete neuromediators, that is to say chemicals, such as dopamine.
Dopamine, a neurotransmitter secreted by the ventral segmental area of the brain, will provide sensations of desire by accumulating in the area of the nucleus accumbens. Other neurotransmitter exists like serotonin which will have an antidepressant effect. As well as endorphin, which causes chills and has a soothing effect on pain. Music as an antidepressant therefore works wonders and it can also release adrenaline which will produce an energizing, invigorating and euphoric effect.
These substances will therefore trigger many phases of well-being in humans, the darkest as well as the most excessive. Depending on the melody, lyrics or rhythm of the melody the secretion of its substances will be increased or decreased. It is therefore a whole organic process that occurs and is transmitted in our body.

Music has a direct effect on the nervous system as we have just mentioned and thus helps to reduce stress and pain.
Music reaches people deep within themselves; it brings out a lot of sensations, buried feelings and therefore helps a lot to get out of isolation. Numerous clinical studies have shown that music helps relieve certain symptoms of stress. Thus researchers from Queen’s University of Belfast in Northern Ireland set up a study on young people aged 8 to 16. After twelve weeks, they found a very clear reduction in symptoms of stress associated with stimulated creativity and the acquisition of some self-confidence on the part of young people. Music is therefore clearly an effective mediation in many cases.
Other studies have shown that music has a direct effect on our blood circulation and blood pressure. It succeeds in relaxing the muscles, regulating a certain precise rhythm and the latter turns out to be the most relevant for our body, neither too fast nor too weak. This is why depending on the melody we are listening to, we can sometimes feel a certain form of appeasement, relaxation, you just have to close your eyes to soak it up and let yourself be lulled by it. Conversely, some vibrations completely boost us or even unleash us!

Rosine Gemayel
*BA in Educational Psychology. *Psychotherapy certification based on CBT approach. *Hogan Certification in Psychometry assessement.*Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology UL(in progress). *Assistant director and Piano instructor at “Nustroto” music school. * Musictherapy studies at “atelier de musicothérapie : Bordeaux-Liban”.