Thés de La Pagode® Organic Zou Cha Curcuma Reine des Pres – 30 Tea bags


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Brands:Thés de La Pagode®


Zou Chá tea, literally translated as “tea for joints” in Chinese, is a Sencha green tea with turmeric and meadowsweet. This blend is meticulously prepared using Thés de la Pagode’s extensive experience and expertise, resulting in a preparation containing a higher concentration of selected active ingredients in the form of dry extracts, for optimal effectiveness.

This Sencha green tea originating from China’s Zhejiang province has a golden colour and a soft, floral aroma. It is processed differently to other teas: once the leaves have been picked, they are immersed in a steam bath for 15 to 45 seconds to prevent oxidation, then rolled and dried.

The Actifs Bio Concentrés® (ABC) patent is a unique patented process which enriches and binds active plant extract ingredients directly to tea leaves. When turmeric tea is infused in hot water, medicinal active ingredients are released and the resulting drink is enriched with their beneficial properties. As such, Zou Chá tea has a far higher concentration of turmeric and meadowsweet than found in classic infusions.

Zou Chá green tea helps improve joint comfort thanks to a blend of the following 3 ingredients:

Sencha green tea: rich in antioxidants, this tea tackles cellular ageing by protecting cells from oxidative stress.
Turmeric: this spice is known to help maintain healthy joints by limiting joint sensitivity.
Meadowsweet: this plant is used for its soothing properties.
Zou Chá tea is packaged in Pagode tea bags. Our bags are pyramid-shaped, enabling the tea leaves to unfold fully when infused.

Thés de La Pagode® respects an age-old tradition to ensure that all the benefits of tea are preserved. Indeed, the quality and fragrance of a tea are determined, among other things, by the type of leaf picked. In spring, in the gardens of Thés de la Pagode®, the “Imperial Plucking” is practiced: the pluckers select only the bud (“Pekoe” in Mandarin) and the first leaf. Another technique used is “fine picking”. In this case, the pickers remove the bud and the first two leaves.

Manufacturing Secrets:
A precious plucking.
The ABC patent. A unique patent for the enrichment of organic tea for health.

Other Certifications: AB agriculture Biologique, EcoCert, Eurofeuille Organic European cerificate, Fair Trade.

Thé vert sencha de Chine bio (66,5%), organic verbena(10%),lavander bio(7,75%),extrait sec concentré d’harpagophytum bio(6,25%),sureau bio(4,5%),extrait sec concentré de curcuma bio(4%),extrait sec concentré de reine des prés bio(0,75%),gomme d’acacia bio

Green tea with turmeric and meadowsweet soothes your joints
30 tea bags.
Temperature: 75°C.
1 teabag in 200 ml of water.
Programme: 1 tea bag a day.
Duration: 4 minutes.
Enjoy until mid afternoon.