Essential Oils Tip 2



How do we know that the essential oil  we are buying is of a  good quality?

Great question! Essential oils are in increase demand worldwide, so the international market is filled with EO being adulterated and or mixed with synthetic substances! Beware many big companies worldwide -with huge marketing abilities- sell unpin or adulterated essential oil! And you have no way of knowing if an essential oil is 100% pure and natural except if you test it. Even experts do not always know without some kind of analysis, usually the GS/MS report. This report gives us information on the chemical composition of the EO and on the quality and purity of the EO.

So I would have 3 pieces of advice:

-Always buy from a reputable company. A reputable one will be ready to deliver a GS/MS report if asked. Beware, very big companies are not always synonymous of quality!

-Ask as many questions as you can to the seller. Does he know about the products being sold?It its important to know who you are buying from, and to have a relationship built on trust.

-Make sure all info related to safety and purity of the EO are present on the label or on the site of the company you are buying from.

By Dr. Nicole Bou Khalil

Nicole Boukhalil is a Doctor of Pharmacy specialised in medicinal plants, phytotherapy and medical aromatherapy. She is a certified clinical aromatherapist level 3, the highest level of certification in the United States. Dr. Boukhalil also holds a master’s degree in Public Health and is certified in natural dermo-cosmetology.
With over 10 years of experience to her credit in aromatherapy, she is a trainer, a teacher, a formulator and an international speaker.
Dr. Boukhalil is an IFPA Trustee board member, the NAHA international director to Lebanon and the Airmid Institute ambassador to Lebanon.