Toss Sprout Maker


SKU: SPK001 Category:


Toss Sprout Maker is an Innovative Sprout Maker Container. This Sprouter prepares sprouts in the most hygienic odourless convenient way and mimics nature’s process. Scientifically Designed Containers: Unique Siphon System with Air Humidity Control. Facilitates easy and hygienic sprouting of beans.
Sprouting has some real nutritional benefits. Sprouting legumes, grains, and seeds makes them much easier to digest by breaking down the anti-nutrients that are common in those foods. In general, sprouting also increases the vitamin C and B content and the fiber, making sprouts richer in protein, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and vitamins C and K than un-sprouted plants.

Unique Syphon System.
Air & Humidity Control.
Hygenic Sprouting System.
Made of 100% Food Grade Material.
Package Contains:Sprout Maker Set – 2 Compartment

1. Keep The Beans Soaked Overnight In Water.
2. Put The Soaked Bean In Bean Bowl Of Toss Sprout Maker.
3. Place Red Syphon Caps In Each Bowl Making Sure That They Are Not Right Above Each Other.
4. Now Place All The Bowls On The Water Container And Cover With Lid.
5. Bean Take 12-24 Hours For Sprouting.
6. Transfer The Bean In Another Container And Store In A Cool Place.
7. Clean The Sprout Maker Before Re-use.

Buy chilled sprouts: Only buy fresh sprouts that have been properly refrigerated.
Check their appearance: Avoid purchasing or eating sprouts with a strong smell or slimy appearance.
Store in the fridge: At home, keep sprouts refrigerated at temperatures under 8°C.
Wash your hands: Always wash your hands properly before handling raw sprouts.
Children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with weak immune systems should consider avoiding raw sprouts.