Thés de La Pagode® Chun Cha Organic Green Tea 30 Tea bags


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Brands:Thés de La Pagode®


This organic tea is Fairtrade certified under the Max Havelaar label. Fairtrade/Max Havelaar standards guarantee better commercial and/or working conditions for producers and workers in the Southern Hemisphere, and provide them with opportunities to invest in a sustainable future.

Legend has it that there was a tea garden like no other in the Chinese province of Zhejiang. The peaceful atmosphere and beautiful flora and fauna there were incomparable. However, only the purest of souls could step foot in it. Only one young girl ever managed to cross into this peaceful haven. Once there, she drank an exquisite green tea known as Chun Cha. She left the garden at sunset and never found it again…

Today, Thés de la Pagode brings you all the beneficial properties of Chun Cha, meaning “tea of purity” in Mandarin.

Green tea has a sweet, rounded taste and is enriched with many beneficial properties thanks to the antioxidants it contains. It increases the metabolism and helps control weight when enjoyed as part of a healthy, balanced diet, making it the perfect partner when trying to lose weight. We recommend drinking 1 cup per day.

Thés de La Pagode® respects an age-old tradition to ensure that all the benefits of tea are preserved. Indeed, the quality and fragrance of a tea are determined, among other things, by the type of leaf picked. In spring, in the gardens of Thés de la Pagode®, the “Imperial Plucking” is practiced: the pluckers select only the bud (“Pekoe” in Mandarin) and the first leaf. Another technique used is “fine picking”. In this case, the pickers remove the bud and the first two leaves.

Manufacturing Secrets:
A precious plucking.
The ABC patent. A unique patent for the enrichment of organic tea for health.

Other Certifications: AB agriculture Biologique, EcoCert, Eurofeuille Organic European cerificate, Fair Trade.

100% organic Chinese tea: green tea (60%), jasmine green tea (28%), pu-erh tea (12%).

Grand cru green tea rich in antioxidants.
30 tea bags.

Temperature: 70°C.
1 teabag in 250 ml of water.
Programme: 1 tea bag a day.
Duration: 4 minutes.
Enjoy until mid-afternoon.