Where do the Ingredients you use come from and what are their benefits. Here is a an overview of what you need to know about the Ingredients found in your aromatherapy, home fragrances and skin care products.

Roman Chamomille

Roman chamomile has been used since Ancient Greece and Rome to treat a variety of disorders, such as to lower fever, treat insomnia and sore muscles, and soothe digestive disorders. Its chemical profile is full of calming ingredients, as well as anti-inflammatories, antispasmodics, analgesics, and antioxidants. When ingested, Roman chamomile helps sooth stomach pain, menstrual pain, as well as gastric disorders. When used topically, Roman chamomile is effective in treating arthritis, muscle pain, and irritated skin. It can also be used in the form of an essential oil that can be added to moisturizers, shampoos, or with a diffuser, in order to benefit from its host of calming properties.

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