Where do the Ingredients you use come from and what are their benefits. Here is a an overview of what you need to know about the Ingredients found in your aromatherapy, home fragrances and skin care products.


While the pomegranate is considered indigenous to Iran and neighbouring countries, its cultivation long ago encircled the Mediterranean and extended through the Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and India. It is now commonly cultivated in the Americas from the warmer parts of the United States to Chile. It is packed with nutrients and rich in antioxidants. It may help keep inflammation at bay, may have anticancer properties, may offer heart health benefits, supports urinary health, may have antimicrobial properties, may improve exercise endurance. Eating pomegranates as a whole can have anti-inflammatory effects and can protect a human body from various diseases like type-2 diabetes, and obesity. Regular consumption of pomegranate helps in improving gut health and digestion.

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