Where do the Ingredients you use come from and what are their benefits. Here is a an overview of what you need to know about the Ingredients found in your aromatherapy, home fragrances and skin care products.


Palmarosa is a grass that is harvested to make an essential oil that smells similar to rose oil. It is also a flavoring agent in the food and beverage industry, as well as an ingredient in soaps, perfumes, and the cosmetic industry. In addition to its soft, floral fragrance, palmarosa oil also has a variety of associated health benefits. It is known to reduce fevers, fight viral and bacterial infections, improve hydration, and treat wounds. When used topically, palmarosa is known to balance sebum production in the skin and control oil production and fight acne-causing bacteria. It also helps the skin retain moisture, keeping the skin soft, moist, and radiant. The natural antiseptic properties of palmarosa also help minimize acne scars, heal broken capillaries, and repair minor sun damage. When inhaled, its essential oil prevents depression and anxiety, and can relieve feelings of nervousness and fatigue.

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