Where do the Ingredients you use come from and what are their benefits. Here is a an overview of what you need to know about the Ingredients found in your aromatherapy, home fragrances and skin care products.

Mandarin Orange

Mandarins are smaller than the average orange and easier to peel, but are also vitamin C powerhouses and filled with vitamins and nutrients. Packed with vitamin C, mandarin oranges also contain antioxidants such as beta-carotene and lutein, as well as carotenoids that help keep your eyes and skin healthy. Their vitamin E and B12 content also make your hair full and strong, promoting growth, while adding shine and bounce. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy to support the nervous system, diffusing a sweet and refreshing aroma. It can also be incorporated into skincare products to make a mild skin toner and clarifier. Finally, mandarin orange extract contains flavonoids that increases collagen in the skin, helping strengthen skin tone and even out any hyperpigmentation. The extract also helps erase scars and blemishes and expedites the healing process of minor cuts and wounds.

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