Where do the Ingredients you use come from and what are their benefits. Here is a an overview of what you need to know about the Ingredients found in your aromatherapy, home fragrances and skin care products.

Cinnamon Bark

While you are probably familiar with ground cinnamon, the common spice used in baked goods, cereals, and to garnish oatmeal and other dishes, the flowers, bark, and leaves can also be consumed. The bark is what is eventually ground to produce cinnamon spice, but it can also be used to infuse teas, ciders, and custards. You also have the option of taking cinnamon bark as an extract or a supplement, both of which provide you with all of the benefits of cinnamon. Cinnamon bark has been proven to help lower blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity, which is helpful for diabetics, but can also be used to control appetite and help with weight management. The antioxidants prevent and repair damage related to free radicals from pollution, stress, or poor diet. Furthermore, the antibacterial properties of cinnamon make it beneficial for anyone who battles acne, while its antioxidants help prevent premature aging. Since cinnamon is a warm spice, it can even stimulate the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow to the face, improving the appearance and tone of your skin.

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