Where do the Ingredients you use come from and what are their benefits. Here is a an overview of what you need to know about the Ingredients found in your aromatherapy, home fragrances and skin care products.

Black Pepper

Black pepper is a cooking staple in the home, but while it can dramatically enhance the taste of your dishes, it also offers significant health benefits. Black pepper also contains antibacterial, antioxidant, immune-boosting, and fever-reducing properties that can be used as part of aromatherapy, easing aching muscles, for digestive issues, and even to treat inflammatory arthritis. The antioxidants in black pepper fight free radicals that cause signs of aging and skin damage. They also help reduce premature aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots. When used as a scrub or mask, black pepper exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells, making the skin smoother, while promoting blood circulation, and increasing oxygen and nutrients in the skin, leaving it soft and radiant. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help prevent acne and can even treat dandruff and revitalize the hair.

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