Thés de La Pagode® Organic Sou Tsian Oolong Tea 30 Tea bags


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Legend has it that women tasted the Sou Tsian tea high in the Fujian mountains. Surrounded only by rustling leaves, they unveiled an ancestral beauty secret to younger generations in the form of a delicate, thirst-quenching drink with powers to enhance beauty…

Today, Thés de la Pagode brings you all the beneficial properties of Sou Tsian oolong tea. This tea is grown according to ancestral methods in the preserved tea gardens of Fujian. Featuring subtle woody chestnut, hazelnut and honey notes, it can be enjoyed throughout the day. The draining properties of tea make it an excellent ally for weight loss and well-being as part of a healthy balanced diet.

Thés de La Pagode® respects an age-old tradition to ensure that all the benefits of tea are preserved. Indeed, the quality and fragrance of a tea are determined, among other things, by the type of leaf picked. In spring, in the gardens of Thés de la Pagode®, the “Imperial Plucking” is practiced: the pluckers select only the bud (“Pekoe” in Mandarin) and the first leaf. Another technique used is “fine picking”. In this case, the pickers remove the bud and the first two leaves.

Manufacturing Secrets:
A precious plucking.
The ABC patent. A unique patent for the enrichment of organic tea for health.

Other Certifications: AB agriculture Biologique, EcoCert, Eurofeuille Organic European cerificate, Fair Trade.

Organic Chinese oolong tea (100%).

Oolong tea with draining and detoxifying properties.
30 tea bags.

Temperature: 95°C.
1 teabag in 450 ml of water.
Programme: 1 tea bag a day.
Duration: 7 minutes.
Enjoy until late afternoon.