Tisserand Thyme Essential Oil 9ml


SKU: TISEO257 Category:


Thyme essential oil is extracted from an evergreen plant, native to the Mediterranean. It’s uses have been documented through the ages, as a bravery-booster for pre-battle Romans, a cleansing aid for the ancient Greeks and a popular cure during the period of the Black Death during the 1300’s. Due to the potential risks caused by improper use, Thyme essential oil should only be used by professional Aromatherapists.

100% Thymus zygis Oil.

key properties:
This super herb may display antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial properties, making it ideal for a whole host of body-boosting treatments.
Try adding Thyme to an inhalation blend to help clear respiratory congestion or apply in a carrier to chest and neck to support the body through viral infections.
Thyme is also a grounding and soothing oil for the emotions. Use in a vaporization blend or aromatherapy bath to lift the spirit and release mental tension.

Massage: Add 5 drops of essential oil to 10ml of blending oil.
Bath: Add 4 to 6 drops of essential oil to 20ml of blending oil and swirl into water.
Diffusion: Add 6 to 8 drops of essential oil to a diffuser or burner.

Do not ingest
Avoid during pregnancy
Keep out of reach of children
Consult with a healthcare professional before use