Essential Oils Tip 4



Could you please give us the main safety tips while using essential oils?

– Always dilute your EO in a carrier oil before applying on the skin. Avoid using an EO pure on your skin, unless in some specific and rare cases.

– Do not mix EO with water and drink! EO are not soluble in water and could potentially burn your digestive mucosa.

– Only use E Oils you are familiar with. Do your research and get to know the precautions of use of an EO first before using it. For example you cannot apply lemon (essence) on your skin and expose it directly to the sun. You will have a phytotoxicity reaction, which can cause burns to your skin!

– Always buy from a trusted source! As I said earlier many EO found in the market are adulterated and contaminated with synthetic and toxic substances. Be very diligent about this!

– When in doubts, always ask for an advice form your certified aromatherapist who will always give you the best advice.

By Dr. Nicole Bou Khalil

Nicole Boukhalil is a Doctor of Pharmacy specialised in medicinal plants, phytotherapy and medical aromatherapy. She is a certified clinical aromatherapist level 3, the highest level of certification in the United States. Dr. Boukhalil also holds a master’s degree in Public Health and is certified in natural dermo-cosmetology.
With over 10 years of experience to her credit in aromatherapy, she is a trainer, a teacher, a formulator and an international speaker.
Dr. Boukhalil is an IFPA Trustee board member, the NAHA international director to Lebanon and the Airmid Institute ambassador to Lebanon.