7 Days of Wellbeing Upgrades

“Every moment of every hour we have a choice to respond with our virtues or our vices. Virtues are energies like Kindness, Wisdom, Compassion, Tolerance, Acceptance, Bravery, Forgiveness… Vices are energies like Anger, Fear, Rejection, Shame, Guilt…”

October 30, 2022

Today, we have access to plenty of solutions to upgrade the way we live, think and feel. Together, will take you on a 7 day self healing journey to activate and align yourself to more health, vitality and balance. This personal inward journey has the power to touch and transform every part of your day from your plate to your prayers!

Day 1: Shower of light

While taking a shower, imagine that the water is charged with a liquid love .. a healing energy that clears, cleanses and energizes every cell, organ and system not just your skin. Imagine the shower of light is detoxing stuck emotions and clearing your space with the energies of love & abundance. After every shower of light you feel instant relief.

Day 2: Releasing pain

Close your eyes and imagine you are holding a ball of light in your hands. Imagine the ball of healing is going to the space that holds the pain to soothe it. Every time you need instant healing another ball of healing reappears in your hands.

Day 3: Sending love & energetic roses

Close your eyes, imagine a ball of energy appearing in front of you.. It has an essence to it.. Imagine sending this ball of light as a blessing to the people you love instead of sending them worry or fear. Some of the blessings will look like pink roses being sent to all those you are blessing.

Day 4: Receiving love

Imagine as you close your eyes that all your attention goes to your heart. And as you breath slowly and deeply you start feeling your heart beat gently and subtle sensations as your body calms down. Imagine dissolving like sugar in water into an invisible light that has the essence of love to it. Imagine you and love becoming one mixture. And feel it activate every cell with light, beauty and blessings of love.

Day 5: Connecting heaven and earth

Imagine all your focus and energy is centered in your heart. Slowly and gently like a feather travel down to where your feet touch the ground. Imagine, see, sense or feel roots (like roots of a giant cedar tree) connecting you to the center of the plane. And these roots replenish you with
all the nourishment and abundance of Earth. Imagine streams of wellbeing and health being sent to you through those roots and they bless you with instant balance and a powerful presence from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head.

Day 6: States of being

Every moment of every hour we have a choice to respond with our virtues or our vices. Virtues are energies like Kindness, Wisdom, Compassion, Tolerance, Acceptance, Bravery, Forgiveness… Vices are energies like Anger, Fear, Rejection, Shame, Guilt…
Today make wise choices and instead of responding embody your chosen sates of being… feel it, be it, show up as this energy… for example feel balanced don’t seek balance or respond with the virtue of humor rather than sarcasm its vice…

Day 7: Restoring balance

We can restore instant balance with a simple breathing practice. The breathe instantly reminds us to give and to receive in harmony. As you close your eyes for a few minutes, focus on inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. Just breathe. Just relax. And feel every inhale and relax more deeply with every exhale. You can do this anytime and anywhere instant focus is needed.

Imagine living a rich life that is fused with growth, contributions & experiences. Where you uplift others, connect with nature and have an authentic relationship with yourself. These are some of the benefits that self healing give us. One of the worlds leading modalities in self healing is ThetaHealing. It offers you a wide range of tools and techniques that can transform the way you live, think and feel for the better.

As human beings, we can shift the uncertainty around us by going within and being connected to higher powers of love and light. Begin your journey today with a session or a seminar. Be the part of the change you wish to see around you by using smart ways to restore balance in your life!

With gratitude,

Joanna Joubran 🌹
Certified ThetaHealing Instructor and Energy Healing.